Tuesday, 14 May 2024
​This screening session features 10 short films. All films are in English OR have English subtitles.​
Palace Central (Cinema 7)
Central Park Mall (Level 3), 28 Broadway, Chippendale NSW 2008
Tickets are only $8.00* per screening and include a free drink at the cinema's bar. Get ticket now.
Free tickets available for students (25-), seniors (65+), and unemployed or low income guests: Submit a request.
*All proceeds go to The Bigger Screen, an international organisation supporting independent filmmakers.

Chemical Somnia (Canada) by Scott Portingale
A cross-continental collaboration between filmmaker Scott Portingale and composer Gorkem Sen. The film transports the viewer into chemical dimensions, exploring phase transition, fluid dynamics, and chemical reactions. Timelapse and high-speed photography were used on a macro scale to capture these elemental relationships in less than a square inch area on a petri dish. Uniquely resounding original music preformed by Gorkem Sen on an instrument he invented, the yaybahar.
Running time: 00:03:47

What If Women Ruled The World? (Italy) by Giulia Magno
Judy Chicago (b. 1939) is one of the most influential artists of our time. Her work has been essential in creating a space for feminism within a male-dominated art world, and continues to empower women of all walks of life. Punk musician Nadya Tolokonnikova (b. 1989) founded Russian dissident feminist group Pussy Riot. She served two years in prison over an anti-Putin performance in 2012. Judy and Nadya decided to join forces to inspire people to imagine a different, more humane world. “What If Women Ruled The World?” chronicles their first historic collaboration.
Running time: 00:07:00

An Island Off An Island (Australia) by Guido Pezz
For the past 20 years, Jenene and John have carried a simple life together in Bruny; an island off the island of Tasmania, at the bottom end of Australia. This film is an intimate portrait about life away from the distractions of the outside world.
Running time: 00:08:00

Elements (Switzerland) by Felix Scherer
Nights in the woods can be scary, but if you light a fire and look closely, there's purity. Extreme athletes are often seen as crazy and reckless thrill seekers. This poem shows a different side, where you can be completely with yourself and fully rely on your element while chasing your passion.
Running time: 00:02:30

Fragments (United Kingdom) by Mélodie Roulaud
A portrait of trans non-binary artist Fleur Bloemsma, short film Fragments takes an introspective journey into their understanding and experience of their own body, and the meanders of their mind. Directed by French filmmaker and photographer Mélodie Roulaud, the film interrogates the language used to communicate the body, the self and their representation, through the interconnectedness of physical attributes and bodily experiences with matters of identity.
Running time: 00:03:38

Impossible Image (Australia) by Karen Pearlman
A product of France and Germany's International Screendance Production Residency initiative, Karen Pearlman's 'Impossible Image' remixes the anarchy and gender play of women of the 1920s, with the fury, irony, and sly humour of dancing women in the 2020s. Cutting together contemporary action and archival footage creates a montage of rage, hilarity and feminist protest echoing across 100 years. Inspired by the vibrant energy of the silent film era comediennes, and their rampaging disregard for order and expectations, this project combines archival footage and contemporary dance sequences to draw parallels between subversive forms of protest from our great-grandmothers to ourselves. The past and the present coming together to challenge gender performance and shake down the patriarchy, while dancing in the streets.
Running time: 00:08:00

Slower Animals (United States) by John Christopher Kelley
While aimlessly following a winter goose migration across the American south, a professor slips in and out of childhood memories that all surround a forgotten trauma. This short animated film explores the ways we are shaped; both by what we remember and what we forget... or... Mixtape for a Drowned Rabbit.
Running time: 00:07:00

Patricia in the Dark (United Kingdom) by Laura Hartley
Born into a world where the word 'transgender' didn't exist, 95-year-old Patricia spent most of her life longing for love and acceptance but too afraid to reveal her true self.
Running time: 00:11:38

Ballad of a Breakup (United States) by Lauren Loesberg
An experimental short reflecting on past breakups in friendships.
Running time: 00:03:08

Leaving Chouchou (France) by Lucie Demange
It's the holidays at my mother’s place. The atmosphere is tense: she doesn't accept that I'm not the feminine daughter she always dreamed of having. In addition, she is in the middle of her breakup with my stepfather. The holidays are going to be hectic...
Running time: 00:31:00